We are committed to building a better world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, free of exploitation, harassment, and bias. As a non-governmental organization serving the country’s most vulnerable communities, we take our responsibility to program participants, partners, donors, and team members across the areas in which we work, seriously. We acknowledge that building and maintaining trust with the communities we serve is paramount to achieving our mission and are committed to responsibly managing that privilege to ensure that we never cause harm. We are guided by the ethical principles in our organizational policies and procedures. Misconduct is intentional wrongdoing or improper behavior that violates DHAOL policies and procedures.


Sexual exploitation or abuse of children or adults; human trafficking; forced labor and exploitation; harm, neglect, abuse and exploitation of children (including sexual activity with anyone under 18 years of age); sexual harassment or abuse of team members.

Fraud and corruption

Corrupt payments (bribes, kickbacks, facilitation payments), conflicts of interest, fraud (embezzlement, theft, false statements, forgery, impersonation, diversion of resources, fraudulent accounting, and procurement fraud), support for and transactions with prohibited parties and misuse of DHAOL resources.

Human Resources

Discrimination, harassment and bullying.